Most Famous Logos with a Key (2025)

A key is associated with access to something forbidden, hidden, or unknown. It is an attribute of initiation, a way of gaining knowledge and freedom of action. On the other hand, it not only unlocks but also locks doors. Thus, it is also the embodiment of protection, privacy, safety, and security. The two completely opposite meanings allow the key to be used in the visual language of a wide variety of brands, from institutions of higher education to encryption services for storing information.

In heraldry, this symbol is associated with strength and power. Emblems with its image appeared in ancient times when the keepers carried with them the keys to the treasury, where the treasury was hidden. In some nobles, they were attached crosswise; in others – they hung vertically. In this form, these attributes are on the family coats of arms. There are keys on the emblems of cities and fortresses, but here they are the personification of security.

In our review, we will consider several cases of the use of keys in emblems and determine what values have the same ideogram for different companies. Somewhere, this sign is intriguing; it looks solid, and somewhere, it makes you go deeper into history. The brands are presented in random order. So, let’s begin.


KeyBank has a logo with a key for a reason: it reflects the name of this regional bank. Its meaning is connected with the motto “Achieve Everything,” i.e., the financial company from Cleveland positions itself as the key to wealth and tries to show it in its visual image. The name of the organization is given a lot of attention: almost two-thirds of the icon is occupied by a large black inscription “KeyBank,” made in a bold sans-serif font. The closest font analog is Sequel Sans Disp Heavy from OGJ Type Design. The key in the image looks very original – primarily due to the flower-shaped ring with four rounded petals. To make the picture stand out against the background of the word mark, the designers made it rich red.

Vatican City State

We missed another important meaning of the key – religion. It is best seen in the example of the logo of the Vatican City State because this Italian state is the seat of the head of the Roman Catholic Church. On its coat of arms and flag, there are two crossed keys: one silver, the other gold. These are the same Claves Regni Caelorum, which the Apostle Peter received from Jesus Christ, along with the right to reveal to others the knowledge of how to get into the Kingdom of God at the second coming. The silver key symbolizes the papal authority on earth, and the golden key symbolizes the authority in heaven. Traditionally, the Pope is buried with a symbolic pair of these keys created especially for him. A red triple crown complements the Vatican emblem. Each level of the headdress is dedicated to a particular function of the Pope, who is supposed to be a priest, teacher, and shepherd at the same time. In turn, the golden cross at the top of the headpiece demonstrates the supremacy of Jesus Christ.


The University of Salamanca, also known as USAL, is the oldest institution of higher education in Spain. It was first a school attached to a cathedral, and then it “rose up” and became a university. In 1255, the Pope recognized its new status and allowed it to use its seal. Thus, for USAL, the logo is directly linked to the emblem of the city-state of Vatican City. It also depicts two crossed keys, only they are not in the center but at the top. The basis of the composition is a black and white round shield divided into segments. It depicts lions, castles, and a monarch on the throne. The circle is placed in a ring with a Latin inscription and decorated along the outer edge with protruding loopholes of the castle wall. Nearby, in red letters of irregular shape, is written the phrase “UNIVERSIDAD D SALAMANCA.”

Key Club International

But for Key Club International, the logo contains only one key, and it’s hidden behind a blue “K.” This symbol reflects the name, which came about because the founders of the organization were key members of the student body. The letter “K” is inscribed in a white circle with a blue outline around the edge. In a white circular frame is the inscription “KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL,” where each letter is capitalized in blue. Around the emblem runs a golden rope – a common sign in heraldry, representing connection.


Three intersecting keys on the emblem of the largest Swiss financial holding company have nothing to do with the symbol of the Vatican. In the case of UBS, the emblem symbolizes the reliability and safety of money deposits, as well as prudence, security, and confidence. When folded, the keys resemble a snowflake, as they have an original shape with many protrusions, curves, and decorative elements. The black figure contrasts in color with the bright red inscription “UBS.” The font of the abbreviation is characterized by high contrast and long serifs, which makes it very similar to the Garamond Modern FS Regular font of FontSite Inc.


The Internal Revenue Service oversees the collection of taxes in the United States. Since the IRS was created, the logo of this government agency has been a simplified image of an eagle and scales. But the key is represented only on its seal, the original of which appeared in 1968. This is a symbol of official authority that has existed since ancient times – since rulers began to keep the state treasury under lock and key. It is located inside a yellow coat of arms, on which are also drawn scales (the embodiment of justice) and a chevron with 13 five-pointed white stars. The shield, in turn, is placed within a dark blue circle. Thin white lines around the edge separate the ring, which bears the full name of the IRS in capital letters and the word “TREASURY” with two stars around the edge.


For software developer PreVeil, the key logo captures the essence of technology. After all, one of the main products of this company is end-to-end encrypted mail, in which each user has a cryptographic key – a secret sequence of characters to gain access to personal information. Designers decided not to depict a long set of characters on the emblem but to represent it abstractly – in the form of a key to a lock. It consists of two wide orange lines with a white void inside. Above it, in big gray letters, is written the name of the brand. The word “PREVEIL” stands out thanks to the bold geometric sans serif font, where each glyph is visually balanced.

Food Darzee

The manufacturer of health food products positions itself as the key to health, which is impossible without a special diet. Therefore, the designers who developed the logo for Food Darzee depicted it in this very key – graceful, thin, golden, in the form of a musical note. Its ring has the shape of a hexagon with symmetrical edges. The stem is directed upward and ends with two diagonal lines located in parallel. The texture of the emblem resembles crumpled foil. Above the key, the slogan of the Indian food delivery service is written in small letters; below it is the address of the official website and the words “HEALTHY,” “TASTY,” and “DAILY,” separated by short vertical stripes. Without exception, all letters are uppercase, thin, sans serifs.

Microsoft Access

All Microsoft Office products are built on a single scheme. This principle corresponds to this principle and the Microsoft Access logo, but here we will consider not its modern version and the old – one that was used in 2010-2013. This was the last key emblem, which was remembered by users for its hot pink gradient. It was shaped like a square with a cut and rounded top corner. There was a frame along the edge, and inside, with a small indentation, there was a large dark letter “A.” The background behind it was divided into two blocks of color, lighter at the top and darker at the bottom. The key was white, but the designers made it volumetric through light shadows and one-sided contours. This element symbolizes gaining access to information as the software allows you to manage databases.


For the Swiss watchmaker Corum, the logo is more than just an element of identity. It is a symbol of high-quality luxury products, an indicator of good style and taste. The key depicted on it is a tribute to the old mechanical watches that were wound with a special small key. The modern crown did not exist yet, so this tool was indispensable: without it, the hands stopped, and the device became useless. The key on the emblem is placed vertically because it looks more symmetrical. Designers made it shaped, decorating it with semicircular protrusions and polygonal ornamentation. It gives the impression that it opens the door to a magical world where the secrets of watchmakers are kept. The brand name and the word “SUISSE” written under it look no less original. In the first case, the brand uses its own set of glyphs, which has no analogs, and in the second case – a contrasting font with serifs, similar to Gandhi Serif Bold from Librerias Gandhi S.A. de C.V.

Keymaster Games

It’s no surprise that the designers at Focus Lab created a key logo for Keymaster Games. Firstly, this attribute is mentioned in the brand name. Secondly, it symbolizes gaining access to something unexplored, to a notional treasure chest. Specifically, in this case – various board games open the door to the magical world of entertainment. The round part of the golden key hints at the connection of the people at the game table and the protruding fragment is shaped like the letter “K”. On the right, the black word “Keymaster” is written in legible nichrome in an expressive and complex font.


The beer brand Beck’s logo contains an ancient key associated with the silver key on the coat of arms and seal of the city of Bremen. This is an attribute of the Apostle Peter, which he received from Jesus Christ. The emblem is depicted inside the red-figure shield and testifies to the rich historical heritage of the brand, as Beck’s beer dates back to 1873. To the left of the shield are the letters “REG.” and to the right are the letters “TM.”, which should stand for “REGISTERED.”. TRADEMARK. And at the very bottom is the name of the product. It is executed in a modified Serpentine Sans Serif font, where each letter is outlined with uneven black contours, making the word seem voluminous.

Most Famous Logos with a Key (2025)


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